1.19.04 ~ happy mlk jr. day everyone! w00t. uh...
yeah. so, here i
am, not doing much of anything. i really should be
doing the work i
missed and the work i was supposed to have done last
week. but
whatever. i'm a procrastinator and i will find anything
to do as long
as it's not the thing i'm supposed to be doing. hahaha.
in fact, i'm so
bad, i could have gone to a party today if i had gotten
my work
done, but whatever. i wouldn't have gotten it done
in time though.
so now i'm just fooling around. such wonderful study
skills, huh?
well, i had a lovely and boring weekend. saturday night i babysat
lini's kid brother. we watched holes. 'twas fun. and
yesterday, i had
a very theraputic ride to borders and best buy by
myself. i don't
know, maybe i'm just crazy, but i love going on rides
to cool places
by myself. i mean, i like to go with friends too,
but sometimes, when
i'm in the mood, it's just better to be by myself.
i was surprised my
mom let me... she's always worried about safety and
crap. oh well. i
also think driving is wonderfully theraputic. just
driving fast, in the
rain, sobbing to the really loud rock n' roll music
really helps me to
calm down. i guess it's the movement. i'm not sure,
but i love
driving. especially by myself because i can think
about things or sing
along to my music and stuff. yeah. so, at best buy,
i got the classical
queen cd (i've been into classical rock lately). my
new favorite song
is "bohemian rhapsody". "mama! just killed a man!
stuck a gun
against his head, pulled my trigger, now he's dead!
mama! life had
just begun! now i've gone and thrown it all away!!!"
wow... such a
great song!!!!! *sigh* well, i just like to say, to
those who are reading
this, thanks for caring. and now i'm going to go read
or do my
homework (hahahahahaha!!!!)