wrote this piece today (8.19.04) about leaving for college:
noise, confusion, fighting the last days of an era of
a century fullofeverything fullofnothing hold me back hold back the ducts the ones that will let everythingout out
of my pores the pores that forgot to close the world outofmymind! rake out the aches the pains that dull the senses i
can't remember who walked down that hallway i can't remember who kissed me last night i can't remember what the moon
looks like whenit'sfull hating how it's turning out hating how i can't see where i'm going hating how dizzy i
feel <the nausea will usurp my dreams> the cramping becomes unbearable in the darkest depths of the night wheneveryoneelse is
dreaming of springtime, flowers just wishing for the change to flick the alacrity of a light switch of an on/off
button that blinks with beacon sharpness the rock at the bottom bleeds my heart uncontrollably forgot how to say
my name forgot how to walk, how to breath (howtolove) what happened back there? on that frozen night back in
mid february when the days of travelling lunches soiled the bits of flesh under our fingernails doesn't seem so bad but
it hurts when pebbles dig themselves in inside where the blood runs thick where relationships are strong handholdingisn'tjustforlittlegirls boys
don't have cooties laughing isn't just for the others we all have our own distinctions wishing won't make it stay the
stars won't act as my foothold the cosmos will sweep me away into the next millenium where i can survive... letgoletgoletgo=that'salliwanttodo faster
faster faster laying out in the sun of burning passions only burning, never tanning (freckles let me know i'm not
useless) how can i sing up there? with you? without you? i'm not from around here, i don't belong i just want
to hold you a bit closer a bit longer before i have to step up before i have to remember everything before i have
to ... let you go and it will never be the same again and the heart will break where will i find the pieces?